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com.diffplug.durian:durian-io:1.2.0 by DiffPlug

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accept(File, String) - Method in class
adler32() - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.Hashing
Returns a hash function implementing the Adler-32 checksum algorithm (32 hash bits) by delegating to the Adler32 Checksum.
append(CharSequence, File, Charset) - Static method in class
Appends a character sequence (such as a string) to a file using the given character set.
asBytes() - Method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.HashCode
Returns the value of this hash code as a byte array.
asByteSink(File, FileWriteMode...) - Static method in class
Returns a new ByteSink for writing bytes to the given file.
asByteSource() - Method in class
Returns a readable ByteSource view of the data that has been written to this stream.
asByteSource(File) - Static method in class
Returns a new ByteSource for reading bytes from the given file.
asByteSource(URL) - Static method in class
Returns a ByteSource that reads from the given URL.
asCharSink(Charset) - Method in class
Returns a CharSink view of this ByteSink that writes characters to this sink as bytes encoded with the given charset.
asCharSink(File, Charset, FileWriteMode...) - Static method in class
Returns a new CharSink for writing character data to the given file using the given character set.
asCharSource(Charset) - Method in class
Returns a CharSource view of this byte source that decodes bytes read from this source as characters using the given Charset.
asCharSource(File, Charset) - Static method in class
Returns a new CharSource for reading character data from the given file using the given character set.
asCharSource(URL, Charset) - Static method in class
Returns a CharSource that reads from the given URL using the given character set.
asInt() - Method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.HashCode
Returns the first four bytes of this hashcode's bytes, converted to an int value in little-endian order.
asLong() - Method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.HashCode
Returns the first eight bytes of this hashcode's bytes, converted to a long value in little-endian order.
asOutputStream(PrimitiveSink) - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.Funnels
Wraps a PrimitiveSink as an OutputStream, so it is easy to funnel an object to a PrimitiveSink if there is already a way to write the contents of the object to an OutputStream.
asWriter(Appendable) - Static method in class
Returns a Writer that sends all output to the given Appendable target.


base16() - Static method in class
The “base16” encoding specified by RFC 4648 section 8, Base 16 Encoding.
base32() - Static method in class
The “base32” encoding specified by RFC 4648 section 6, Base 32 Encoding.
base32Hex() - Static method in class
The “base32hex” encoding specified by RFC 4648 section 7, Base 32 Encoding with Extended Hex Alphabet.
base64() - Static method in class
The “base64” base encoding specified by RFC 4648 section 4, Base 64 Encoding.
base64Url() - Static method in class
The “base64url” encoding specified by RFC 4648 section 5, Base 64 Encoding with URL and Filename Safe Alphabet, also sometimes referred to as the “web safe Base64.” (This is the same as the base 64 encoding with URL and filename safe alphabet from RFC 3548.)
BaseEncoding - Class in
A binary encoding scheme for reversibly translating between byte sequences and printable ASCII strings.
BaseEncoding.DecodingException - Exception in
Exception indicating invalid base-encoded input encountered while decoding.
bits() - Method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.HashCode
Returns the number of bits in this hash code; a positive multiple of 8.
bits() - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.HashFunction
Returns the number of bits (a multiple of 32) that each hash code produced by this hash function has.
BloomFilter<T> - Class in com.diffplug.common.hash
A Bloom filter for instances of T.
ByteArrayDataInput - Interface in
An extension of DataInput for reading from in-memory byte arrays; its methods offer identical functionality but do not throw IOException.
ByteArrayDataOutput - Interface in
An extension of DataOutput for writing to in-memory byte arrays; its methods offer identical functionality but do not throw IOException.
byteArrayFunnel() - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.Funnels
Returns a funnel that extracts the bytes from a byte array.
ByteProcessor<T> - Interface in
A callback interface to process bytes from a stream.
ByteSink - Class in
A destination to which bytes can be written, such as a file.
ByteSink() - Constructor for class
Constructor for use by subclasses.
ByteSource - Class in
A readable source of bytes, such as a file.
ByteSource() - Constructor for class
Constructor for use by subclasses.
ByteStreams - Class in
Provides utility methods for working with byte arrays and I/O streams.


CharSink - Class in
A destination to which characters can be written, such as a text file.
CharSink() - Constructor for class
Constructor for use by subclasses.
CharSource - Class in
A readable source of characters, such as a text file.
CharSource() - Constructor for class
Constructor for use by subclasses.
CharStreams - Class in
Provides utility methods for working with character streams.
close() - Method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.HashingOutputStream
close(Closeable, boolean) - Static method in class
Closes a Closeable, with control over whether an IOException may be thrown.
close() - Method in class
Closes all Closeable instances that have been added to this Closer.
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
Closeables - Class in
Utility methods for working with Closeable objects.
closeQuietly(InputStream) - Static method in class
Closes the given InputStream, logging any IOException that’s thrown rather than propagating it.
closeQuietly(Reader) - Static method in class
Closes the given Reader, logging any IOException that’s thrown rather than propagating it.
Closer - Class in
A Closeable that collects Closeable resources and closes them all when it is closed.
com.diffplug.common.hash - package com.diffplug.common.hash
Hash functions and related structures. - package
This package contains utility methods and classes for working with Java I/O; for example input streams, output streams, readers, writers, and files.
combineOrdered(Iterable<HashCode>) - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.Hashing
Returns a hash code, having the same bit length as each of the input hash codes, that combines the information of these hash codes in an ordered fashion.
combineUnordered(Iterable<HashCode>) - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.Hashing
Returns a hash code, having the same bit length as each of the input hash codes, that combines the information of these hash codes in an unordered fashion.
concat(Iterable<? extends ByteSource>) - Static method in class
Concatenates multiple ByteSource instances into a single source.
concat(Iterator<? extends ByteSource>) - Static method in class
Concatenates multiple ByteSource instances into a single source.
concat(ByteSource...) - Static method in class
Concatenates multiple ByteSource instances into a single source.
concat(Iterable<? extends CharSource>) - Static method in class
Concatenates multiple CharSource instances into a single source.
concat(Iterator<? extends CharSource>) - Static method in class
Concatenates multiple CharSource instances into a single source.
concat(CharSource...) - Static method in class
Concatenates multiple CharSource instances into a single source.
concatenating(HashFunction, HashFunction, HashFunction...) - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.Hashing
Returns a hash function which computes its hash code by concatenating the hash codes of the underlying hash functions together.
concatenating(Iterable<HashFunction>) - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.Hashing
Returns a hash function which computes its hash code by concatenating the hash codes of the underlying hash functions together.
consistentHash(HashCode, int) - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.Hashing
Assigns to hashCode a “bucket” in the range [0, buckets), in a uniform manner that minimizes the need for remapping as buckets grows.
consistentHash(long, int) - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.Hashing
Assigns to input a “bucket” in the range [0, buckets), in a uniform manner that minimizes the need for remapping as buckets grows.
contentEquals(ByteSource) - Method in class
Checks that the contents of this byte source are equal to the contents of the given byte source.
copy() - Method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.BloomFilter
Creates a new BloomFilter that’s a copy of this instance.
copy(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class
Copies all bytes from the input stream to the output stream.
copy(ReadableByteChannel, WritableByteChannel) - Static method in class
Copies all bytes from the readable channel to the writable channel.
copy(Readable, Appendable) - Static method in class
Copies all characters between the Readable and Appendable objects.
copy(File, OutputStream) - Static method in class
Copies all bytes from a file to an output stream.
copy(File, File) - Static method in class
Copies all the bytes from one file to another.
copy(File, Charset, Appendable) - Static method in class
Copies all characters from a file to an appendable object, using the given character set.
copy(URL, OutputStream) - Static method in class
Copies all bytes from a URL to an output stream.
copyTo(OutputStream) - Method in class
Copies the contents of this byte source to the given OutputStream.
copyTo(ByteSink) - Method in class
Copies the contents of this byte source to the given ByteSink.
copyTo(Appendable) - Method in class
Appends the contents of this source to the given Appendable (such as a Writer).
copyTo(CharSink) - Method in class
Copies the contents of this source to the given sink.
CountingInputStream - Class in
An InputStream that counts the number of bytes read.
CountingInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class
Wraps another input stream, counting the number of bytes read.
CountingOutputStream - Class in
An OutputStream that counts the number of bytes written.
CountingOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class
Wraps another output stream, counting the number of bytes written.
crc32() - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.Hashing
Returns a hash function implementing the CRC-32 checksum algorithm (32 hash bits) by delegating to the CRC32 Checksum.
crc32c() - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.Hashing
Returns a hash function implementing the CRC32C checksum algorithm (32 hash bits) as described by RFC 3720, Section 12.1.
create(Funnel<? super T>, int, double) - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.BloomFilter
Creates a BloomFilter with the expected number of insertions and expected false positive probability.
create(Funnel<? super T>, long, double) - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.BloomFilter
Creates a BloomFilter with the expected number of insertions and expected false positive probability.
create(Funnel<? super T>, int) - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.BloomFilter
Creates a BloomFilter with the expected number of insertions and a default expected false positive probability of 3%.
create(Funnel<? super T>, long) - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.BloomFilter
Creates a BloomFilter with the expected number of insertions and a default expected false positive probability of 3%.
create() - Static method in class
Creates a new Closer.
createParentDirs(File) - Static method in class
Creates any necessary but nonexistent parent directories of the specified file.
createTempDir() - Static method in class
Atomically creates a new directory somewhere beneath the system’s temporary directory (as defined by the system property), and returns its name.


decode(CharSequence) - Method in class
Decodes the specified character sequence, and returns the resulting byte[].
decodingSource(CharSource) - Method in class
Returns a ByteSource that reads base-encoded bytes from the specified CharSource.
decodingStream(Reader) - Method in class
Returns an InputStream that decodes base-encoded input from the specified Reader.


empty() - Static method in class
Returns an immutable ByteSource that contains no bytes.
empty() - Static method in class
Returns an immutable CharSource that contains no characters.
encode(byte[]) - Method in class
Encodes the specified byte array, and returns the encoded String.
encode(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
Encodes the specified range of the specified byte array, and returns the encoded String.
encodingSink(CharSink) - Method in class
Returns a ByteSink that writes base-encoded bytes to the specified CharSink.
encodingStream(Writer) - Method in class
Returns an OutputStream that encodes bytes using this encoding into the specified Writer.
equal(File, File) - Static method in class
Returns true if the files contains the same bytes.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.BloomFilter
equals(Object) - Method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.HashCode
Returns true if object is a HashCode instance with the identical byte representation to this hash code.
expectedFpp() - Method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.BloomFilter
Returns the probability that BloomFilter.mightContain(Object) will erroneously return true for an object that has not actually been put in the BloomFilter.


FileBackedOutputStream - Class in
An OutputStream that starts buffering to a byte array, but switches to file buffering once the data reaches a configurable size.
FileBackedOutputStream(int) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance that uses the given file threshold, and does not reset the data when the ByteSource returned by FileBackedOutputStream.asByteSource() is finalized.
FileBackedOutputStream(int, boolean) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance that uses the given file threshold, and optionally resets the data when the ByteSource returned by FileBackedOutputStream.asByteSource() is finalized.
Files - Class in
Provides utility methods for working with files.
fileTreeTraverser() - Static method in class
Returns a TreeTraverser instance for File trees.
FileWriteMode - Enum in
Modes for opening a file for writing.
flush() - Method in class
flush(Flushable, boolean) - Static method in class
Flush a Flushable, with control over whether an IOException may be thrown.
Flushables - Class in
Utility methods for working with Flushable objects.
flushQuietly(Flushable) - Static method in class
Equivalent to calling flush(flushable, true), but with no IOException in the signature.
fromBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.HashCode
Creates a HashCode from a byte array.
fromInt(int) - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.HashCode
Creates a 32-bit HashCode representation of the given int value.
fromLong(long) - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.HashCode
Creates a 64-bit HashCode representation of the given long value.
fromString(String) - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.HashCode
Creates a HashCode from a hexadecimal (base 16) encoded string.
Funnel<T> - Interface in com.diffplug.common.hash
An object which can send data from an object of type T into a PrimitiveSink.
funnel(T, PrimitiveSink) - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.Funnel
Sends a stream of data from the from object into the sink into.
Funnels - Class in com.diffplug.common.hash
Funnels for common types.


getCount() - Method in class
Returns the number of bytes read.
getCount() - Method in class
Returns the number of bytes written.
getFileExtension(String) - Static method in class
Returns the file extension for the given file name, or the empty string if the file has no extension.
getNameWithoutExtension(String) - Static method in class
Returns the file name without its file extension or path.
getResource(String) - Static method in class
Returns a URL pointing to resourceName if the resource is found using the context class loader.
getResource(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class
Given a resourceName that is relative to contextClass, returns a URL pointing to the named resource.
getResult() - Method in interface
Return the result of processing all the bytes.
getResult() - Method in interface
Return the result of processing all the lines.
goodFastHash(int) - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.Hashing
Returns a general-purpose, temporary-use, non-cryptographic hash function.


hash() - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.Hasher
Computes a hash code based on the data that have been provided to this hasher.
hash() - Method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.HashingInputStream
Returns the HashCode based on the data read from this stream.
hash() - Method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.HashingOutputStream
Returns the HashCode based on the data written to this stream.
hash(HashFunction) - Method in class
Hashes the contents of this byte source using the given hash function.
hash(File, HashFunction) - Static method in class
Computes the hash code of the file using hashFunction.
hashBytes(byte[]) - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.HashFunction
Shortcut for newHasher().putBytes(input).hash().
hashBytes(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.HashFunction
Shortcut for newHasher().putBytes(input, off, len).hash().
hashCode() - Method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.BloomFilter
HashCode - Class in com.diffplug.common.hash
An immutable hash code of arbitrary bit length.
hashCode() - Method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.HashCode
Returns a “Java hash code” for this HashCode instance; this is well-defined (so, for example, you can safely put HashCode instances into a HashSet) but is otherwise probably not what you want to use.
hashCode() - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.Hasher
This returns Object.hashCode(); you almost certainly mean to call hash().asInt().
Hasher - Interface in com.diffplug.common.hash
A PrimitiveSink that can compute a hash code after reading the input.
HashFunction - Interface in com.diffplug.common.hash
A hash function is a collision-averse pure function that maps an arbitrary block of data to a number called a hash code.
Hashing - Class in com.diffplug.common.hash
Static methods to obtain HashFunction instances, and other static hashing-related utilities.
HashingInputStream - Class in com.diffplug.common.hash
An InputStream that maintains a hash of the data read from it.
HashingInputStream(HashFunction, InputStream) - Constructor for class com.diffplug.common.hash.HashingInputStream
Creates an input stream that hashes using the given HashFunction and delegates all data read from it to the underlying InputStream.
HashingOutputStream - Class in com.diffplug.common.hash
An OutputStream that maintains a hash of the data written to it.
HashingOutputStream(HashFunction, OutputStream) - Constructor for class com.diffplug.common.hash.HashingOutputStream
Creates an output stream that hashes using the given HashFunction, and forwards all data written to it to the underlying OutputStream.
hashInt(int) - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.HashFunction
Shortcut for newHasher().putInt(input).hash(); returns the hash code for the given int value, interpreted in little-endian byte order.
hashLong(long) - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.HashFunction
Shortcut for newHasher().putLong(input).hash(); returns the hash code for the given long value, interpreted in little-endian byte order.
hashObject(T, Funnel<? super T>) - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.HashFunction
Shortcut for newHasher().putObject(instance, funnel).hash().
hashString(CharSequence, Charset) - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.HashFunction
Shortcut for newHasher().putString(input, charset).hash().
hashUnencodedChars(CharSequence) - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.HashFunction
Shortcut for newHasher().putUnencodedChars(input).hash().


integerFunnel() - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.Funnels
Returns a funnel for integers.
isCompatible(BloomFilter<T>) - Method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.BloomFilter
Determines whether a given bloom filter is compatible with this bloom filter.
isDirectory() - Static method in class
Returns a predicate that returns the result of File.isDirectory() on input files.
isEmpty() - Method in class
Returns whether the source has zero bytes.
isEmpty() - Method in class
Returns whether the source has zero chars.
isFile() - Static method in class
Returns a predicate that returns the result of File.isFile() on input files.


length() - Method in class
Returns the length of this source in chars, even if doing so requires opening and traversing an entire stream.
lengthIfKnown() - Method in class
Returns the size of this source in chars, if the size can be easily determined without actually opening the data stream.
limit(InputStream, long) - Static method in class
Wraps a InputStream, limiting the number of bytes which can be read.
LineProcessor<T> - Interface in
A callback to be used with the streaming readLines methods.
LineReader - Class in
A class for reading lines of text.
LineReader(Readable) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance that will read lines from the given Readable object.
LittleEndianDataInputStream - Class in
An implementation of DataInput that uses little-endian byte ordering for reading short, int, float, double, and long values.
LittleEndianDataInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class
Creates a LittleEndianDataInputStream that wraps the given stream.
LittleEndianDataOutputStream - Class in
An implementation of DataOutput that uses little-endian byte ordering for writing char, short, int, float, double, and long values.
LittleEndianDataOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class
Creates a LittleEndianDataOutputStream that wraps the given stream.
longFunnel() - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.Funnels
Returns a funnel for longs.
lowerCase() - Method in class
Returns an encoding that behaves equivalently to this encoding, but encodes and decodes with lowercase letters.


map(File) - Static method in class
Fully maps a file read-only in to memory as per, long, long).
map(File, FileChannel.MapMode) - Static method in class
Fully maps a file in to memory as per, long, long) using the requested FileChannel.MapMode.
map(File, FileChannel.MapMode, long) - Static method in class
mark(int) - Method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.HashingInputStream
mark() is not supported for HashingInputStream
mark(int) - Method in class
markSupported() - Method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.HashingInputStream
mark() is not supported for HashingInputStream
md5() - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.Hashing
Returns a hash function implementing the MD5 hash algorithm (128 hash bits) by delegating to the MD5 MessageDigest.
mightContain(T) - Method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.BloomFilter
Returns true if the element might have been put in this Bloom filter, false if this is definitely not the case.
move(File, File) - Static method in class
Moves a file from one path to another.
murmur3_128(int) - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.Hashing
Returns a hash function implementing the 128-bit murmur3 algorithm, x64 variant (little-endian variant), using the given seed value.
murmur3_128() - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.Hashing
Returns a hash function implementing the 128-bit murmur3 algorithm, x64 variant (little-endian variant), using a seed value of zero.
murmur3_32(int) - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.Hashing
Returns a hash function implementing the 32-bit murmur3 algorithm, x86 variant (little-endian variant), using the given seed value.
murmur3_32() - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.Hashing
Returns a hash function implementing the 32-bit murmur3 algorithm, x86 variant (little-endian variant), using a seed value of zero.


newDataInput(byte[]) - Static method in class
Returns a new ByteArrayDataInput instance to read from the bytes array from the beginning.
newDataInput(byte[], int) - Static method in class
Returns a new ByteArrayDataInput instance to read from the bytes array, starting at the given position.
newDataInput(ByteArrayInputStream) - Static method in class
Returns a new ByteArrayDataInput instance to read from the given ByteArrayInputStream.
newDataOutput() - Static method in class
Returns a new ByteArrayDataOutput instance with a default size.
newDataOutput(int) - Static method in class
Returns a new ByteArrayDataOutput instance sized to hold size bytes before resizing.
newDataOutput(ByteArrayOutputStream) - Static method in class
Returns a new ByteArrayDataOutput instance which writes to the given ByteArrayOutputStream.
newHasher() - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.HashFunction
Begins a new hash code computation by returning an initialized, stateful Hasher instance that is ready to receive data.
newHasher(int) - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.HashFunction
Begins a new hash code computation as HashFunction.newHasher(), but provides a hint of the expected size of the input (in bytes).
newReader(File, Charset) - Static method in class
Returns a buffered reader that reads from a file using the given character set.
newWriter(File, Charset) - Static method in class
Returns a buffered writer that writes to a file using the given character set.
nullOutputStream() - Static method in class
Returns an OutputStream that simply discards written bytes.
nullWriter() - Static method in class
Returns a Writer that simply discards written chars.


omitPadding() - Method in class
Returns an encoding that behaves equivalently to this encoding, but omits any padding characters as specified by RFC 4648 section 3.2, Padding of Encoded Data.
openBufferedStream() - Method in class
Opens a new buffered OutputStream for writing to this sink.
openBufferedStream() - Method in class
Opens a new buffered InputStream for reading from this source.
openBufferedStream() - Method in class
Opens a new buffered Writer for writing to this sink.
openBufferedStream() - Method in class
Opens a new BufferedReader for reading from this source.
openStream() - Method in class
Opens a new OutputStream for writing to this sink.
openStream() - Method in class
Opens a new InputStream for reading from this source.
openStream() - Method in class
Opens a new Writer for writing to this sink.
openStream() - Method in class
Opens a new Reader for reading from this source.


padToLong() - Method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.HashCode
If this hashcode has enough bits, returns asLong(), otherwise returns a long value with asBytes() as the least-significant bytes and 0x00 as the remaining most-significant bytes.
PatternFilenameFilter - Class in
File name filter that only accepts files matching a regular expression.
PatternFilenameFilter(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a pattern file name filter object.
PatternFilenameFilter(Pattern) - Constructor for class
Constructs a pattern file name filter object.
PrimitiveSink - Interface in com.diffplug.common.hash
An object which can receive a stream of primitive values.
processBytes(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface
This method will be called for each chunk of bytes in an input stream.
processLine(String) - Method in interface
This method will be called once for each line.
put(T) - Method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.BloomFilter
Puts an element into this BloomFilter.
putAll(BloomFilter<T>) - Method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.BloomFilter
Combines this bloom filter with another bloom filter by performing a bitwise OR of the underlying data.
putBoolean(boolean) - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.Hasher
Equivalent to putByte(b ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0).
putBoolean(boolean) - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.PrimitiveSink
Puts a boolean into this sink.
putByte(byte) - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.Hasher
putByte(byte) - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.PrimitiveSink
Puts a byte into this sink.
putBytes(byte[]) - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.Hasher
putBytes(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.Hasher
putBytes(byte[]) - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.PrimitiveSink
Puts an array of bytes into this sink.
putBytes(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.PrimitiveSink
Puts a chunk of an array of bytes into this sink.
putChar(char) - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.Hasher
putChar(char) - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.PrimitiveSink
Puts a character into this sink.
putDouble(double) - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.Hasher
Equivalent to putLong(Double.doubleToRawLongBits(d)).
putDouble(double) - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.PrimitiveSink
Puts a double into this sink.
putFloat(float) - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.Hasher
Equivalent to putInt(Float.floatToRawIntBits(f)).
putFloat(float) - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.PrimitiveSink
Puts a float into this sink.
putInt(int) - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.Hasher
putInt(int) - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.PrimitiveSink
Puts an int into this sink.
putLong(long) - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.Hasher
putLong(long) - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.PrimitiveSink
Puts a long into this sink.
putObject(T, Funnel<? super T>) - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.Hasher
A simple convenience for funnel.funnel(object, this).
putShort(short) - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.Hasher
putShort(short) - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.PrimitiveSink
Puts a short into this sink.
putString(CharSequence, Charset) - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.Hasher
Equivalent to putBytes(charSequence.toString().getBytes(charset)).
putString(CharSequence, Charset) - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.PrimitiveSink
Puts a string into this sink using the given charset.
putUnencodedChars(CharSequence) - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.Hasher
Equivalent to processing each char value in the CharSequence, in order.
putUnencodedChars(CharSequence) - Method in interface com.diffplug.common.hash.PrimitiveSink
Puts each 16-bit code unit from the CharSequence into this sink.


read() - Method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.HashingInputStream
Reads the next byte of data from the underlying input stream and updates the hasher with the byte read.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.HashingInputStream
Reads the specified bytes of data from the underlying input stream and updates the hasher with the bytes read.
read() - Method in class
Reads the full contents of this byte source as a byte array.
read(ByteProcessor<T>) - Method in class
Reads the contents of this byte source using the given processor to process bytes as they are read.
read(InputStream, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class
Reads some bytes from an input stream and stores them into the buffer array b.
read() - Method in class
Reads the contents of this source as a string.
read() - Method in class
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
readBoolean() - Method in interface
readBoolean() - Method in class
readByte() - Method in interface
readByte() - Method in class
readBytes(InputStream, ByteProcessor<T>) - Static method in class
Process the bytes of the given input stream using the given processor.
readBytes(File, ByteProcessor<T>) - Static method in class
Process the bytes of a file.
readChar() - Method in interface
readChar() - Method in class
Reads a char as specified by DataInputStream.readChar(), except using little-endian byte order.
readDouble() - Method in interface
readDouble() - Method in class
Reads a double as specified by DataInputStream.readDouble(), except using little-endian byte order.
readFirstLine() - Method in class
Reads the first link of this source as a string.
readFirstLine(File, Charset) - Static method in class
Reads the first line from a file.
readFloat() - Method in interface
readFloat() - Method in class
Reads a float as specified by DataInputStream.readFloat(), except using little-endian byte order.
readFrom(InputStream, Funnel<T>) - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.BloomFilter
Reads a byte stream, which was written by BloomFilter.writeTo(OutputStream), into a BloomFilter<T>.
readFully(byte[]) - Method in interface
readFully(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface
readFully(InputStream, byte[]) - Static method in class
Attempts to read enough bytes from the stream to fill the given byte array, with the same behavior as DataInput.readFully(byte[]).
readFully(InputStream, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class
Attempts to read len bytes from the stream into the given array starting at off, with the same behavior as DataInput.readFully(byte[], int, int).
readFully(byte[]) - Method in class
readFully(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
readInt() - Method in interface
readInt() - Method in class
Reads an integer as specified by DataInputStream.readInt(), except using little-endian byte order.
readLine() - Method in interface
readLine() - Method in class
Reads a line of text.
readLine() - Method in class
This method will throw an UnsupportedOperationException.
readLines() - Method in class
Reads all the lines of this source as a list of strings.
readLines(LineProcessor<T>) - Method in class
Reads lines of text from this source, processing each line as it is read using the given processor.
readLines(Readable) - Static method in class
Reads all of the lines from a Readable object.
readLines(Readable, LineProcessor<T>) - Static method in class
Streams lines from a Readable object, stopping when the processor returns false or all lines have been read and returning the result produced by the processor.
readLines(File, Charset) - Static method in class
Reads all of the lines from a file.
readLines(File, Charset, LineProcessor<T>) - Static method in class
Streams lines from a File, stopping when our callback returns false, or we have read all of the lines.
readLines(URL, Charset, LineProcessor<T>) - Static method in class
Streams lines from a URL, stopping when our callback returns false, or we have read all of the lines.
readLines(URL, Charset) - Static method in class
Reads all of the lines from a URL.
readLong() - Method in interface
readLong() - Method in class
Reads a long as specified by DataInputStream.readLong(), except using little-endian byte order.
readShort() - Method in interface
readShort() - Method in class
Reads a short as specified by DataInputStream.readShort(), except using little-endian byte order.
readUnsignedByte() - Method in interface
readUnsignedByte() - Method in class
readUnsignedShort() - Method in interface
readUnsignedShort() - Method in class
Reads an unsigned short as specified by DataInputStream.readUnsignedShort(), except using little-endian byte order.
readUTF() - Method in interface
readUTF() - Method in class
register(C) - Method in class
Registers the given closeable to be closed when this Closer is closed.
reset() - Method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.HashingInputStream
reset() is not supported for HashingInputStream.
reset() - Method in class
reset() - Method in class
Calls FileBackedOutputStream.close() if not already closed, and then resets this object back to its initial state, for reuse.
Resources - Class in
Provides utility methods for working with resources in the classpath.
rethrow(Throwable) - Method in class
Stores the given throwable and rethrows it.
rethrow(Throwable, Class<X>) - Method in class
Stores the given throwable and rethrows it.
rethrow(Throwable, Class<X1>, Class<X2>) - Method in class
Stores the given throwable and rethrows it.


sequentialFunnel(Funnel<E>) - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.Funnels
Returns a funnel that processes an Iterable by funneling its elements in iteration order with the specified funnel.
sha1() - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.Hashing
Returns a hash function implementing the SHA-1 algorithm (160 hash bits) by delegating to the SHA-1 MessageDigest.
sha256() - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.Hashing
Returns a hash function implementing the SHA-256 algorithm (256 hash bits) by delegating to the SHA-256 MessageDigest.
sha384() - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.Hashing
Returns a hash function implementing the SHA-384 algorithm (384 hash bits) by delegating to the SHA-384 MessageDigest.
sha512() - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.Hashing
Returns a hash function implementing the SHA-512 algorithm (512 hash bits) by delegating to the SHA-512 MessageDigest.
simplifyPath(String) - Static method in class
Returns the lexically cleaned form of the path name, usually (but not always) equivalent to the original.
sipHash24() - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.Hashing
Returns a hash function implementing the 64-bit SipHash-2-4 algorithm using a seed value of k = 00 01 02 ....
sipHash24(long, long) - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.Hashing
Returns a hash function implementing the 64-bit SipHash-2-4 algorithm using the given seed.
size() - Method in class
Returns the size of this source in bytes, even if doing so requires opening and traversing an entire stream.
sizeIfKnown() - Method in class
Returns the size of this source in bytes, if the size can be easily determined without actually opening the data stream.
skip(long) - Method in class
skipBytes(int) - Method in interface
skipBytes(int) - Method in class
skipFully(InputStream, long) - Static method in class
Discards n bytes of data from the input stream.
skipFully(Reader, long) - Static method in class
Discards n characters of data from the reader.
slice(long, long) - Method in class
Returns a view of a slice of this byte source that is at most length bytes long starting at the given offset.
stringFunnel(Charset) - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.Funnels
Returns a funnel that encodes the characters of a CharSequence with the specified Charset.


test(T) - Method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.BloomFilter
Provided only to satisfy the Predicate interface; use BloomFilter.mightContain(T) instead.
toByteArray() - Method in interface
Returns the contents that have been written to this instance, as a byte array.
toByteArray(InputStream) - Static method in class
Reads all bytes from an input stream into a byte array.
toByteArray(File) - Static method in class
Reads all bytes from a file into a byte array.
toByteArray(URL) - Static method in class
Reads all bytes from a URL into a byte array.
toString() - Method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.HashCode
Returns a string containing each byte of HashCode.asBytes(), in order, as a two-digit unsigned hexadecimal number in lower case.
toString(Readable) - Static method in class
Reads all characters from a Readable object into a String.
toString(File, Charset) - Static method in class
Reads all characters from a file into a String, using the given character set.
toString(URL, Charset) - Static method in class
Reads all characters from a URL into a String, using the given character set.
touch(File) - Static method in class
Creates an empty file or updates the last updated timestamp on the same as the unix command of the same name.


unencodedCharsFunnel() - Static method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.Funnels
Returns a funnel that extracts the characters from a CharSequence, a character at a time, without performing any encoding.
upperCase() - Method in class
Returns an encoding that behaves equivalently to this encoding, but encodes and decodes with uppercase letters.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


withPadChar(char) - Method in class
Returns an encoding that behaves equivalently to this encoding, but uses an alternate character for padding.
withSeparator(String, int) - Method in class
Returns an encoding that behaves equivalently to this encoding, but adds a separator string after every n characters.
wrap(byte[]) - Static method in class
Returns a view of the given byte array as a ByteSource.
wrap(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Returns a view of the given character sequence as a CharSource.
write(int) - Method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.HashingOutputStream
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.HashingOutputStream
write(int) - Method in interface
write(byte[]) - Method in interface
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface
write(byte[]) - Method in class
Writes all the given bytes to this sink.
write(CharSequence) - Method in class
Writes the given character sequence to this sink.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
write(int) - Method in class
write(int) - Method in class
write(byte[]) - Method in class
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
write(byte[], File) - Static method in class
Overwrites a file with the contents of a byte array.
write(CharSequence, File, Charset) - Static method in class
Writes a character sequence (such as a string) to a file using the given character set.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in interface
writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in class
writeByte(int) - Method in interface
writeByte(int) - Method in class
writeBytes(String) - Method in interface
This method is dangerous as it discards the high byte of every character. For UTF-8, use write(s.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)).
writeBytes(String) - Method in class
The semantics of writeBytes(String s) are considered dangerous. Please use LittleEndianDataOutputStream.writeUTF(String s), LittleEndianDataOutputStream.writeChars(String s) or another write method instead.
writeBytesTo(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.HashCode
Copies bytes from this hash code into dest.
writeChar(int) - Method in interface
writeChar(int) - Method in class
Writes a char as specified by DataOutputStream.writeChar(int), except using little-endian byte order.
writeChars(String) - Method in interface
writeChars(String) - Method in class
Writes a String as specified by DataOutputStream.writeChars(String), except each character is written using little-endian byte order.
writeDouble(double) - Method in interface
writeDouble(double) - Method in class
Writes a double as specified by DataOutputStream.writeDouble(double), except using little-endian byte order.
writeFloat(float) - Method in interface
writeFloat(float) - Method in class
Writes a float as specified by DataOutputStream.writeFloat(float), except using little-endian byte order.
writeFrom(InputStream) - Method in class
Writes all the bytes from the given InputStream to this sink.
writeFrom(Readable) - Method in class
Writes all the text from the given Readable (such as a Reader) to this sink.
writeInt(int) - Method in interface
writeInt(int) - Method in class
Writes an int as specified by DataOutputStream.writeInt(int), except using little-endian byte order.
writeLines(Iterable<? extends CharSequence>) - Method in class
Writes the given lines of text to this sink with each line (including the last) terminated with the operating system’s default line separator.
writeLines(Iterable<? extends CharSequence>, String) - Method in class
Writes the given lines of text to this sink with each line (including the last) terminated with the given line separator.
writeLong(long) - Method in interface
writeLong(long) - Method in class
Writes a long as specified by DataOutputStream.writeLong(long), except using little-endian byte order.
writeShort(int) - Method in interface
writeShort(int) - Method in class
Writes a short as specified by DataOutputStream.writeShort(int), except using little-endian byte order.
writeTo(OutputStream) - Method in class com.diffplug.common.hash.BloomFilter
Writes this BloomFilter to an output stream, with a custom format (not Java serialization).
writeUTF(String) - Method in interface
writeUTF(String) - Method in class
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com.diffplug.durian:durian-io:1.2.0 by DiffPlug