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com.diffplug.matsim:matconsolectl:4.4.2 by DiffPlug

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addDisconnectionListener(MatlabProxy.DisconnectionListener) - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabProxyLogger
Delegates to the proxy; logs the interaction.
addDisconnectionListener(MatlabProxy.DisconnectionListener) - Method in class matlabcontrol.LoggingMatlabProxy
addDisconnectionListener(MatlabProxy.DisconnectionListener) - Method in class matlabcontrol.MatlabProxy
Adds a disconnection listener that will be notified when this proxy becomes disconnected from MATLAB.


build() - Method in class matlabcontrol.MatlabProxyFactoryOptions.Builder
Builds a MatlabProxyFactoryOptions instance.
Builder() - Constructor for class matlabcontrol.MatlabProxyFactoryOptions.Builder


call(MatlabProxy.MatlabThreadProxy) - Method in interface matlabcontrol.MatlabProxy.MatlabThreadCallable
Performs the computation in MATLAB.
CallbackMatlabProxy - Class in matlabcontrol.extensions
This class was provided as a workaround when MatlabProxy could not operate on the Event Dispatch Thread (EDT) used by AWT and Swing; MatlabProxy no longer has this limitation. Wraps around a MatlabProxy making the method calls which interact with MATLAB operate with callbacks instead of return values. For each method in MatlabProxy that interacts with MATLAB, the same method exists but has one additional parameter that is either CallbackMatlabProxy.MatlabCallback or CallbackMatlabProxy.MatlabDataCallback. Method invocations do not throw MatlabInvocationExceptions, but if the proxy throws a MatlabInvocationException it will be provided to the callback.

All interactions with the proxy will be done in a single threaded manner. The underlying proxy methods will be completed in the order their corresponding methods in this class were called. Because method invocations on the proxy occur on a separate thread from the one calling the methods in this class, it can be used from within MATLAB on the Event Dispatch Thread (EDT).

This class is unconditionally thread-safe. There are no guarantees about the relative ordering of method completion when methods are invoked both on an instance of this class and on the proxy provided to it.
CallbackMatlabProxy(MatlabProxy) - Constructor for class matlabcontrol.extensions.CallbackMatlabProxy
Constructs an instance of this class, delegating all method invocations to the proxy.
CallbackMatlabProxy.MatlabCallback - Interface in matlabcontrol.extensions
A callback that indicates either the invocation succeeding or an exception being raised.
CallbackMatlabProxy.MatlabDataCallback<V> - Interface in matlabcontrol.extensions
A callback that supplies the results of the invocation or the raised exception.
cancel() - Method in interface matlabcontrol.MatlabProxyFactory.Request
Attempts to cancel the request.
checkPermission(Permission) - Method in class matlabcontrol.PermissiveSecurityManager
Always accepts permission request.
checkPermission(Permission, Object) - Method in class matlabcontrol.PermissiveSecurityManager
Always accepts permission request.
com.mathworks.jmi - package com.mathworks.jmi
copyPaste(String) - Method in interface matlabcontrol.MatlabProxyFactory.CopyPasteCallback
The given code should be copy-pasted into MATLAB.


DemoFrame - Class in matlabcontrol.demo
A GUI example to demonstrate the main functionality of controlling MATLAB with matlabcontrol.
DemoFrame(String, String) - Constructor for class matlabcontrol.demo.DemoFrame
Create the main GUI.
DemoMain - Class in matlabcontrol.demo
DemoMain() - Constructor for class matlabcontrol.demo.DemoMain
DIM_2 - Static variable in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabNumericArray.DoubleArrayType
Representation of double[][] class.
DIM_3 - Static variable in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabNumericArray.DoubleArrayType
Representation of double[][][] class.
DIM_4 - Static variable in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabNumericArray.DoubleArrayType
Representation of double[][][][] class.
DIM_5 - Static variable in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabNumericArray.DoubleArrayType
Representation of double[][][][][] class.
DIM_6 - Static variable in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabNumericArray.DoubleArrayType
Representation of double[][][][][][] class.
DIM_7 - Static variable in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabNumericArray.DoubleArrayType
Representation of double[][][][][][][] class.
DIM_8 - Static variable in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabNumericArray.DoubleArrayType
Representation of double[][][][][][][][] class.
DIM_9 - Static variable in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabNumericArray.DoubleArrayType
Representation of double[][][][][][][][][] class.
disconnect(CallbackMatlabProxy.MatlabDataCallback<Boolean>) - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.CallbackMatlabProxy
Delegates to the proxy, calling the callback when the proxy's corresponding method has completed.
disconnect() - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabProxyLogger
Delegates to the proxy; logs the interaction.
disconnect() - Method in class matlabcontrol.LoggingMatlabProxy
disconnect() - Method in class matlabcontrol.MatlabProxy
Disconnects the proxy from MATLAB.


equals(Object) - Method in class
Returns true if and only if obj is a MatlabVariable and has the same name as this variable.
equals(Object) - Method in interface matlabcontrol.MatlabProxy.Identifier
Returns true if other is equal to this identifier, false otherwise.
eval(CallbackMatlabProxy.MatlabCallback, String) - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.CallbackMatlabProxy
Delegates to the proxy, calling the callback when the proxy's corresponding method has completed.
eval(String) - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabProxyLogger
Delegates to the proxy; logs the interaction.
eval(String) - Method in class
eval(String) - Method in class matlabcontrol.LoggingMatlabProxy
eval(String) - Method in interface matlabcontrol.MatlabOperations
Evaluates a command in MATLAB.
exit(CallbackMatlabProxy.MatlabCallback) - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.CallbackMatlabProxy
Delegates to the proxy, calling the callback when the proxy's corresponding method has completed.
exit() - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabProxyLogger
Delegates to the proxy; logs the interaction.
exit() - Method in class matlabcontrol.LoggingMatlabProxy
exit() - Method in class matlabcontrol.MatlabProxy


feval(CallbackMatlabProxy.MatlabCallback, String, Object...) - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.CallbackMatlabProxy
Delegates to the proxy, calling the callback when the proxy's corresponding method has completed.
feval(String, Object...) - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabProxyLogger
Delegates to the proxy; logs the interaction.
feval(String, Object...) - Method in class
feval(String, Object...) - Method in class matlabcontrol.LoggingMatlabProxy
feval(String, Object...) - Method in interface matlabcontrol.MatlabOperations
Calls a MATLAB function with the name functionName, returning the result.


getActualNumberOfDimensions() - Method in exception matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabNumericArray.ArrayDimensionException
The actual number of dimensions the array has.
getArrayClass() - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabNumericArray.DoubleArrayType
The type of array.
getClassAnnotation(Class<?>) - Method in class matlabcontrol.internal.MatlabRMIClassLoaderSpi

The returned annotation becomes the codebase argument in MatlabRMIClassLoaderSpi.loadClass(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.ClassLoader) when the RMIClassLoaderSpi in the receiving JVM attempts to load clazz.
getClassLoader(String) - Method in class matlabcontrol.internal.MatlabRMIClassLoaderSpi
getDelegateProxy() - Method in class
The proxy used to communicate with MATLAB.
getDimensions() - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabNumericArray.DoubleArrayType
The number of dimensions of the array type.
getDimensions() - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabNumericArray
The number of dimensions this array has.
getEighth() - Method in class
The eight return argument.
getElementAtIndices(int, int, int...) - Method in class
Gets the element at the specified row, column, and pages.
getElementAtIndices(int, int) - Method in class
getElementAtIndices(int, int, int) - Method in class
getElementAtIndices(int, int, int...) - Method in class
getElementAtIndices(int, int, int...) - Method in class
Gets the element at the specified row, column, and pages.
getElementAtIndices(int, int, int...) - Method in class
Gets the element at the specified row, column, and pages.
getElementAtIndices(int, int, int...) - Method in class
Gets the element at the specified row, column, and pages.
getElementAtIndices(int, int, int...) - Method in class
Gets the element at the specified row, column, and pages.
getElementAtIndices(int, int) - Method in class
getElementAtIndices(int, int, int) - Method in class
getElementAtIndices(int, int, int[]) - Method in class
getElementAtIndices(int, int, int...) - Method in class
Gets the element at the specified row, column, and pages.
getElementAtLinearIndex(int) - Method in class
Gets the element at index treating this array as a MATLAB column vector.
getElementAtLinearIndex(int) - Method in class
getElementAtLinearIndex(int) - Method in class
Gets the element at index treating this array as a MATLAB column vector.
getElementAtLinearIndex(int) - Method in class
Gets the element at index treating this array as a MATLAB column vector.
getElementAtLinearIndex(int) - Method in class
Gets the element at index treating this array as a MATLAB column vector.
getElementAtLinearIndex(int) - Method in class
Gets the element at index treating this array as a MATLAB column vector.
getElementAtLinearIndex(int) - Method in class
getElementAtLinearIndex(int) - Method in class
Gets the element at index treating this array as a MATLAB column vector.
getFifth() - Method in class
The fifth return argument.
getFirst() - Method in class
The first return argument.
getFourth() - Method in class
The fourth return argument.
getFull(T, T) - Static method in class
getFull(T) - Static method in class
getIcon() - Static method in class matlabcontrol.demo.DemoFrame
getIdentifier() - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabProxyLogger
Delegates to the proxy; logs the interaction.
getIdentifier() - Method in class matlabcontrol.LoggingMatlabProxy
getIdentifier() - Method in class matlabcontrol.MatlabProxy
Returns the unique identifier for this proxy.
getImaginaryArray(MatlabNumericArray.DoubleArrayType<T>) - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabNumericArray
Returns a double array of type T that holds the imaginary values from the MATLAB array.
getImaginaryArray2D() - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabNumericArray
Equivalent to getImaginaryArray(DoubleArrayType.DIM_2).
getImaginaryArray3D() - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabNumericArray
Equivalent to getImaginaryArray(DoubleArrayType.DIM_3).
getImaginaryArray4D() - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabNumericArray
Equivalent to getImaginaryArray(DoubleArrayType.DIM_4).
getImaginaryElementAtIndices(int, int) - Method in class
getImaginaryElementAtIndices(int, int, int) - Method in class
getImaginaryElementAtIndices(int, int, int[]) - Method in class
getImaginaryElementAtLinearIndex(int) - Method in class
getImaginaryValue(int) - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabNumericArray
Gets the imaginary value at linearIndex treating this array as the underlying one dimensional array.
getImaginaryValue(int...) - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabNumericArray
Gets the imaginary value at the specified indices.
getInstance(Class<T>) - Static method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabNumericArray.DoubleArrayType
Gets an instance of DoubleArrayType<T> where T is the type of arrayType.
getInstance(T, T) - Static method in class
getInstance(T, T) - Static method in class
getInstance(T, T) - Static method in class
getInstance(T, T) - Static method in class
getInstance(T, T) - Static method in class
getInstance(T, T) - Static method in class
getLength() - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabNumericArray
The length of the underlying linear array.
getLengths() - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabNumericArray
Returns the lengths of each dimension with respect to their index.
getName() - Method in class
The name of this variable.
getNinth() - Method in class
The ninth argument.
getNumericArray(String) - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabTypeConverter
Retrieves the MATLAB numeric array with the variable name arrayName.
getProxy() - Method in class matlabcontrol.MatlabProxyFactory
getProxyIdentifer() - Method in interface matlabcontrol.MatlabProxyFactory.Request
The identifier of the proxy associated with this request.
getRealArray(MatlabNumericArray.DoubleArrayType<T>) - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabNumericArray
Returns a double array of type T that holds the real values from the MATLAB array.
getRealArray2D() - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabNumericArray
Equivalent to getRealArray(DoubleArrayType.DIM_2).
getRealArray3D() - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabNumericArray
Equivalent to getRealArray(DoubleArrayType.DIM_3).
getRealArray4D() - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabNumericArray
Equivalent to getRealArray(DoubleArrayType.DIM_4).
getRealElementAtIndices(int, int) - Method in class
getRealElementAtIndices(int, int, int) - Method in class
getRealElementAtIndices(int, int, int[]) - Method in class
getRealElementAtLinearIndex(int) - Method in class
getRealValue(int) - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabNumericArray
Gets the real value at linearIndex treating this array as the underlying one dimensional array.
getRealValue(int...) - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabNumericArray
Gets the real value at the specified indices.
getSecond() - Method in class
The second return argument.
getSeventh() - Method in class
The seventh return argument.
getSixth() - Method in class
The sixth return argument.
getSparse(int[], int[], double[], double[], int, int) - Static method in class
getSparse(int[], int[], boolean[], int, int) - Static method in class
getThird() - Method in class
The third return argument.
getUsedNumberOfDimensions() - Method in exception matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabNumericArray.ArrayDimensionException
The number of dimensions that were used when interacting with the array.
getVariable(CallbackMatlabProxy.MatlabDataCallback<Object>, String) - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.CallbackMatlabProxy
Delegates to the proxy, calling the callback when the proxy's corresponding method has completed.
getVariable(String) - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabProxyLogger
Delegates to the proxy; logs the interaction.
getVariable(String) - Method in class
getVariable(String) - Method in class matlabcontrol.LoggingMatlabProxy
getVariable(String) - Method in interface matlabcontrol.MatlabOperations
Gets the value of variableName in MATLAB.


hashCode() - Method in class
Returns a hash code consistent with MatlabVariable.equals(java.lang.Object).
hashCode() - Method in interface matlabcontrol.MatlabProxy.Identifier
Returns a hash code which conforms to the hashCode contract defined in Object.hashCode().


invocationFailed(MatlabInvocationException) - Method in interface matlabcontrol.extensions.CallbackMatlabProxy.MatlabCallback
Called when the method failed.
invocationFailed(MatlabInvocationException) - Method in interface matlabcontrol.extensions.CallbackMatlabProxy.MatlabDataCallback
Called when the method failed.
invocationSucceeded() - Method in interface matlabcontrol.extensions.CallbackMatlabProxy.MatlabCallback
Called when the method successfully completed.
invocationSucceeded(V) - Method in interface matlabcontrol.extensions.CallbackMatlabProxy.MatlabDataCallback
Called when the method successfully completed.
invokeAndWait(MatlabProxy.MatlabThreadCallable<U>, CallbackMatlabProxy.MatlabDataCallback<U>) - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.CallbackMatlabProxy
Delegates to the proxy, calling the callback when the method has been executed.
invokeAndWait(MatlabProxy.MatlabThreadCallable<U>) - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabProxyLogger
Delegates to the proxy; logs the interaction.
invokeAndWait(MatlabProxy.MatlabThreadCallable<U>) - Method in class matlabcontrol.LoggingMatlabProxy
invokeAndWait(MatlabProxy.MatlabThreadCallable<T>) - Method in class matlabcontrol.MatlabProxy
Runs the callable on MATLAB's main thread and waits for it to return its result.
isCancelled() - Method in interface matlabcontrol.MatlabProxyFactory.Request
If the request has been successfully cancelled.
isCompleted() - Method in interface matlabcontrol.MatlabProxyFactory.Request
Returns true if the proxy has been created.
isConnected(CallbackMatlabProxy.MatlabDataCallback<Boolean>) - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.CallbackMatlabProxy
Delegates to the proxy, calling the callback when the proxy's corresponding method has completed.
isConnected() - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabProxyLogger
Delegates to the proxy; logs the interaction.
isConnected() - Method in class matlabcontrol.LoggingMatlabProxy
isConnected() - Method in class matlabcontrol.MatlabProxy
Whether this proxy is connected to MATLAB.
isExistingSession() - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabProxyLogger
Delegates to the proxy; logs the interaction.
isExistingSession() - Method in class matlabcontrol.LoggingMatlabProxy
isExistingSession() - Method in class matlabcontrol.MatlabProxy
Whether this proxy is connected to a session of MATLAB that was running previous to the request to create this proxy.
isReal() - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabNumericArray
Returns true if the array has no imaginary values, false otherwise.
isRunningInsideMatlab() - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabProxyLogger
Delegates to the proxy; logs the interaction.
isRunningInsideMatlab() - Method in class matlabcontrol.LoggingMatlabProxy
isRunningInsideMatlab() - Method in class matlabcontrol.MatlabProxy
Whether this proxy is running inside of MATLAB.


link(Class<T>, MatlabProxy) - Static method in class
LinkedOperations - Class in
LinkedOperations(MatlabProxy) - Constructor for class
Linker - Class in
LinkingException - Exception in
Issue linking a Java method to a MATLAB function.
loadClass(String, String, ClassLoader) - Method in class matlabcontrol.internal.MatlabRMIClassLoaderSpi
loadProxyClass(String, String[], ClassLoader) - Method in class matlabcontrol.internal.MatlabRMIClassLoaderSpi
LoggingMatlabProxy - Class in matlabcontrol
Wraps around a MatlabProxy to provide a log of interactions.
LoggingMatlabProxy(MatlabProxy) - Constructor for class matlabcontrol.LoggingMatlabProxy
Constructs the logging proxy.


main(String[]) - Static method in class matlabcontrol.demo.DemoMain
main(String[]) - Static method in class matlabcontrol.demo.RemoteMain
Matlab - Class in com.mathworks.jmi
A partial stubbed out implementation of the Matlab class with the method's used by matlabcontrol.
Matlab() - Constructor for class com.mathworks.jmi.Matlab
MatlabConnectionException - Exception in matlabcontrol
Represents a failure to connect to MATLAB or make MATLAB available for a connection.
matlabcontrol - package matlabcontrol
matlabcontrol.demo - package matlabcontrol.demo
matlabcontrol.extensions - package matlabcontrol.extensions
matlabcontrol.internal - package matlabcontrol.internal - package
MatlabDouble - Class in
MATLAB double with real and imaginary components.
MatlabDouble(double, double) - Constructor for class
MatlabDoubleArray<T> - Class in
MatlabDoubleMatrix<T> - Class in
MatlabFunction - Annotation Type in
Information about a MATLAB function.
MatlabFunctionHandle - Class in
MatlabFunctionHandle(String) - Constructor for class
MatlabInt16 - Class in
MATLAB int16 with real and imaginary components.
MatlabInt16(short, short) - Constructor for class
MatlabInt16Array<T> - Class in
MatlabInt32 - Class in
MATLAB int32 with real and imaginary components.
MatlabInt32(int, int) - Constructor for class
MatlabInt32Array<T> - Class in
MatlabInt64 - Class in
MATLAB int64 with real and imaginary components.
MatlabInt64(long, long) - Constructor for class
MatlabInt64Array<T> - Class in
MatlabInt8 - Class in
MATLAB int8 with real and imaginary components.
MatlabInt8(byte, byte) - Constructor for class
MatlabInt8Array<T> - Class in
MatlabInvocationException - Exception in matlabcontrol
Represents a failure to invoke a method on the MATLAB session.
MatlabLogicalMatrix<T> - Class in
MatlabNumericArray - Class in matlabcontrol.extensions
Acts as a MATLAB array of doubles.
MatlabNumericArray(MatlabNumericArray.DoubleArrayType<T>, T, T) - Constructor for class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabNumericArray
Constructs a numeric array from Java arrays that can be transferred to MATLAB.
MatlabNumericArray(double[][], double[][]) - Constructor for class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabNumericArray
Convenience constructor, equivalent to new MatlabNumericArray(DoubleArrayType.DIM_2, real, imaginary).
MatlabNumericArray(double[][][], double[][][]) - Constructor for class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabNumericArray
Convenience constructor, equivalent to new MatlabNumericArray(DoubleArrayType.DIM_3, real, imaginary).
MatlabNumericArray(double[][][][], double[][][][]) - Constructor for class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabNumericArray
Convenience constructor, equivalent to new MatlabNumericArray(DoubleArrayType.DIM_4, real, imaginary).
MatlabNumericArray.ArrayDimensionException - Exception in matlabcontrol.extensions
Represents attempting to retrieve or manipulate a MATLAB array as the wrong dimension.
MatlabNumericArray.DoubleArrayType<T> - Class in matlabcontrol.extensions
An array type of dimension 2 or greater which holds doubles.
MatlabOperations - Interface in matlabcontrol
Operations which interact with a session of MATLAB.
MatlabProxy - Class in matlabcontrol
Communicates with a running MATLAB session.
MatlabProxy.DisconnectionListener - Interface in matlabcontrol
Listens for a proxy's disconnection from MATLAB.
MatlabProxy.Identifier - Interface in matlabcontrol
Uniquely identifies a proxy.
MatlabProxy.MatlabThreadCallable<T> - Interface in matlabcontrol
Uninterrupted block of computation performed in MATLAB.
MatlabProxy.MatlabThreadProxy - Interface in matlabcontrol
Operates on MATLAB's main thread without interruption.
MatlabProxyFactory - Class in matlabcontrol
Creates instances of MatlabProxy.
MatlabProxyFactory() - Constructor for class matlabcontrol.MatlabProxyFactory
Constructs the factory using default options.
MatlabProxyFactory(MatlabProxyFactoryOptions) - Constructor for class matlabcontrol.MatlabProxyFactory
Constructs the factory with the specified options.
MatlabProxyFactory.CopyPasteCallback - Interface in matlabcontrol
A callback interface for receiving the commands which must be copy-pasted into MATLAB to initiate a connection.
MatlabProxyFactory.Request - Interface in matlabcontrol
A request for a proxy.
MatlabProxyFactory.RequestCallback - Interface in matlabcontrol
Provides the requested proxy.
MatlabProxyFactoryOptions - Class in matlabcontrol
Options that configure how a factory operates.
MatlabProxyFactoryOptions.Builder - Class in matlabcontrol
Creates instances of MatlabProxyFactoryOptions.
MatlabProxyLogger - Class in matlabcontrol.extensions
Replaced by LoggingMatlabProxy. Wraps around a MatlabProxy to provide a log of interactions. The data is not altered. This logger is useful for determining the Java types and structure of data returned from MATLAB.

Entering a method, exiting a method, and throwing an exception are logged. Method parameters and return values are logged. The contents of a returned array will be recursively explored and its contents logged. As is convention, all of these interactions are logged at Level.FINER. If the logging system has not been otherwise configured, then the ConsoleHandler which prints log messages to the console will not show these log messages as their level is too low. To configure the ConsoleHandler to show these log messages, call MatlabProxyLogger.showInConsoleHandler().

This class is unconditionally thread-safe.
MatlabProxyLogger(MatlabProxy) - Constructor for class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabProxyLogger
Constructs the logger.
MatlabReturns - Class in
MATLAB return containers.
MatlabReturns.Return2<A,B> - Class in
Container for two MATLAB return values.
MatlabReturns.Return3<A,B,C> - Class in
Container for three MATLAB return values.
MatlabReturns.Return4<A,B,C,D> - Class in
Container for four MATLAB return values.
MatlabReturns.Return5<A,B,C,D,E> - Class in
Container for five MATLAB return values.
MatlabReturns.Return6<A,B,C,D,E,F> - Class in
Container for six MATLAB return values.
MatlabReturns.Return7<A,B,C,D,E,F,G> - Class in
Container for seven MATLAB return values.
MatlabReturns.Return8<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H> - Class in
Container for eight MATLAB return values.
MatlabReturns.Return9<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I> - Class in
Container for nine MATLAB return values.
MatlabRMIClassLoaderSpi - Class in matlabcontrol.internal
Internal Use Only

This class must be public so that it can be created via reflection by RemoteClassLoader.
MatlabRMIClassLoaderSpi() - Constructor for class matlabcontrol.internal.MatlabRMIClassLoaderSpi
MatlabSingle - Class in
MATLAB single with real and imaginary components.
MatlabSingle(float, float) - Constructor for class
MatlabSingleArray<T> - Class in
MatlabTypeConverter - Class in matlabcontrol.extensions
Converts between MATLAB and Java types.
MatlabTypeConverter(MatlabProxy) - Constructor for class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabTypeConverter
Constructs the converter.
MatlabVariable - Class in
Represents a variable in MATLAB.
MatlabVariable(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a representation of a MATLAB variable with the name specified by name.
mtFevalConsoleOutput(String, Object[], int) - Static method in class com.mathworks.jmi.Matlab


nativeIsMatlabThread() - Static method in class com.mathworks.jmi.NativeMatlab
NativeMatlab - Class in com.mathworks.jmi
A partial stubbed out implementation of the NativeMatlab class with the method's used by matlabcontrol.
NativeMatlab() - Constructor for class com.mathworks.jmi.NativeMatlab


PermissiveSecurityManager - Class in matlabcontrol
A SecurityManager that always permits an action to take place.
PermissiveSecurityManager() - Constructor for class matlabcontrol.PermissiveSecurityManager
proxyCreated(MatlabProxy) - Method in interface matlabcontrol.MatlabProxyFactory.RequestCallback
Called when the proxy has been created.
proxyDisconnected(MatlabProxy) - Method in interface matlabcontrol.MatlabProxy.DisconnectionListener
Called when the proxy becomes disconnected from MATLAB.


RemoteMain - Class in matlabcontrol.demo
Launches the demo when running outside MATLAB.
RemoteMain() - Constructor for class matlabcontrol.demo.RemoteMain
removeDisconnectionListener(MatlabProxy.DisconnectionListener) - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabProxyLogger
Delegates to the proxy; logs the interaction.
removeDisconnectionListener(MatlabProxy.DisconnectionListener) - Method in class matlabcontrol.LoggingMatlabProxy
removeDisconnectionListener(MatlabProxy.DisconnectionListener) - Method in class matlabcontrol.MatlabProxy
Removes a disconnection listener.
requestProxy(MatlabProxyFactory.RequestCallback) - Method in class matlabcontrol.MatlabProxyFactory
returningEval(CallbackMatlabProxy.MatlabDataCallback<Object[]>, String, int) - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.CallbackMatlabProxy
Delegates to the proxy, calling the callback when the proxy's corresponding method has completed.
returningEval(String, int) - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabProxyLogger
Delegates to the proxy; logs the interaction.
returningEval(String, int) - Method in class
returningEval(String, int) - Method in class matlabcontrol.LoggingMatlabProxy
returningEval(String, int) - Method in interface matlabcontrol.MatlabOperations
Evaluates a command in MATLAB, returning the result.
returningFeval(CallbackMatlabProxy.MatlabDataCallback<Object[]>, String, int, Object...) - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.CallbackMatlabProxy
Delegates to the proxy, calling the callback when the proxy's corresponding method has completed.
returningFeval(String, int, Object...) - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabProxyLogger
Delegates to the proxy; logs the interaction.
returningFeval(String, int, Object...) - Method in class
returningFeval(String, int, Object...) - Method in class matlabcontrol.LoggingMatlabProxy
returningFeval(String, int, Object...) - Method in interface matlabcontrol.MatlabOperations
Calls a MATLAB function with the name functionName, returning the result.


setCodebase(String) - Static method in class matlabcontrol.internal.MatlabRMIClassLoaderSpi
Sets the codebase of the currently connected external JVM.
setCopyPasteCallback(MatlabProxyFactory.CopyPasteCallback) - Method in class matlabcontrol.MatlabProxyFactoryOptions.Builder
If this is set, then the factory will pass some MATLAB code to the given callback, which should be pasted into the MATLAB command prompt to initiate the connection.
setHidden(boolean) - Method in class matlabcontrol.MatlabProxyFactoryOptions.Builder
Sets whether MATLAB should appear hidden.
setJavaDebugger(int) - Method in class matlabcontrol.MatlabProxyFactoryOptions.Builder
Sets whether to enable use of the Java debugger on the MATLAB session using port portnumber.
setLicenseFile(String) - Method in class matlabcontrol.MatlabProxyFactoryOptions.Builder
Sets the license file used by MATLAB.
setLogFile(String) - Method in class matlabcontrol.MatlabProxyFactoryOptions.Builder
Sets whether to have MATLAB log any output to the MATLAB Command Window (including crash reports) to the file specified by logFile.
setMatlabLocation(String) - Method in class matlabcontrol.MatlabProxyFactoryOptions.Builder
Sets the location of the MATLAB executable or script that will launch MATLAB.
setMatlabStartingDirectory(File) - Method in class matlabcontrol.MatlabProxyFactoryOptions.Builder
Sets the starting directory for MATLAB.
setNumericArray(String, MatlabNumericArray) - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabTypeConverter
Stores the array in MATLAB with the variable name arrayName.
setOSGiClassloaderFriendly(boolean) - Method in class matlabcontrol.MatlabProxyFactoryOptions.Builder
If this is set, then RMI will be initiated in a way that doesn't get bogged down by OSGi.
setPort(int) - Method in class matlabcontrol.MatlabProxyFactoryOptions.Builder
Sets the port matlabcontrol uses to communicate with MATLAB.
setProxyTimeout(long) - Method in class matlabcontrol.MatlabProxyFactoryOptions.Builder
Sets the amount of time in milliseconds to wait for a proxy to be created when requested via the blocking method MatlabProxyFactory.getProxy().
setUsePreviouslyControlledSession(boolean) - Method in class matlabcontrol.MatlabProxyFactoryOptions.Builder
Sets whether the factory should attempt to create a proxy that is connected to a running session of MATLAB.
setUseSingleComputationalThread(boolean) - Method in class matlabcontrol.MatlabProxyFactoryOptions.Builder
Sets whether to limit MATLAB to a single computational thread.
setVariable(CallbackMatlabProxy.MatlabCallback, String, Object) - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.CallbackMatlabProxy
Delegates to the proxy, calling the callback when the proxy's corresponding method has completed.
setVariable(String, Object) - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabProxyLogger
Delegates to the proxy; logs the interaction.
setVariable(String, Object) - Method in class
setVariable(String, Object) - Method in class matlabcontrol.LoggingMatlabProxy
setVariable(String, Object) - Method in interface matlabcontrol.MatlabOperations
Sets variableName to value in MATLAB, creating the variable if it does not yet exist.
showInConsoleHandler() - Static method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabProxyLogger
Configures the ConsoleHandler responsible for showing logging records to show the records that are logged by this interactor.
showInConsoleHandler() - Static method in class matlabcontrol.LoggingMatlabProxy
Configures the ConsoleHandler responsible for showing logging records to show the records that are logged by this proxy.


toImaginary() - Method in class
Returns the imaginary value.
toImaginary() - Method in class
Returns the imaginary value.
toImaginary() - Method in class
Returns the imaginary value.
toImaginary() - Method in class
Returns the imaginary value.
toImaginary() - Method in class
Returns the imaginary value.
toImaginary() - Method in class
Returns the imaginary value.
toReal() - Method in class
Returns the real value.
toReal() - Method in class
Returns the real value.
toReal() - Method in class
Returns the real value.
toReal() - Method in class
Returns the real value.
toReal() - Method in class
Returns the real value.
toReal() - Method in class
Returns the real value.
toString() - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.CallbackMatlabProxy
Returns a brief description.
toString() - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabNumericArray.DoubleArrayType
Returns a brief description of this double array type.
toString() - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabNumericArray
Returns a brief description of this array.
toString() - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabProxyLogger
Returns a brief description of this proxy.
toString() - Method in class matlabcontrol.extensions.MatlabTypeConverter
Returns a brief description of this converter.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
Returns a brief description of this variable.
toString() - Method in class matlabcontrol.LoggingMatlabProxy
toString() - Method in class matlabcontrol.MatlabProxy
Returns a brief description of this proxy.


UnassignableReturnException - Exception in
The type to be returned is not assignable to the return type.
UnsupportedReturnException - Exception in
Thrown if a MATLAB type cannot be returned from MATLAB to Java because it is not supported.


whenMatlabIdle(Runnable) - Static method in class com.mathworks.jmi.Matlab
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